April 25, 2012

The future of the blog

I always took the word blog at its face meaning - a log of parts of the web you find interesting. No personal agenda to defend. Simply flagging it up is the message. Today this is curating, so I'm switching to scoop.it and hope you like it!

January 07, 2012

Who owns street art?

Ignoring the advice of the Association for the Defence of Printed Wishes Via the Postal Service, we went ahead as usual this year and sent our sincerest wishes to friends and clients by personal email. Previous greetings cards had featured public street art, and although we credited the photographer when we could, copyright was probably not an issue. This year's card credited the original artists, but some people thought the little © signs were a bit small to read and wondered whether this was "fair use" of copyrighted works. So here's the score: the lips were painted by Man Ray in Paris in 1933, and were used pending the permission of the Man Ray Trust. The mosaic was part of another pair of lips, Geneviève Cadieux's La Voix Lactée, a gift from Montreal now installed in the Paris metro (thanks to Catherine-Alice Palagret at Archéologie du futur for the photo we used). And Canadian poet Anne Hébert wrote the poetry, which is on public view in the corridor between Saint Augustin and Saint Lazare. So I guess that makes it street art, right?
